Now more than ever, we are stuck inside our homes, and might be drinking more than normal. Have you ever wondered about the role alcohol plays in your life? Do you find that you are drinking more often than you wish you did? The "Sober Curious Movement" that you may have heard about, is less about stopping drinking because you have to and more about being curious about what would happen if you did. April is a great time to re-evaluate your relationship alcohol, and Tahoe Forest Health System is your one-stop shop for FREE alcohol awareness and support activities:
- Authentic Wellness Program, April 9th (online): Does Alcohol Help or Hinder your Ability to Live your Best Life? Led by Lynell Tyler, PsyD.
- Alcohol Challenge for Community and Employees on Wellworks.
- Wellness Book Club, April 29th (online): The Naked Mind by Annie Grace.
These events are all offered online. Get more information. Call us to enroll in a program!