What the Community is Saying About Us

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We are proud to share the positive recognition we receive for the way we care for our Emergency Room, Lakeside Family Medicine, and Incline Health Center patients.

“The ER nurses are awesome!!”

“Dr. Andrews (ER) was wonderful – very clear but great sense of humor which put me at ease.”

“Dr. Haering (ER) was very caring and concerned about my needs.”

“Dr. Courey (ER) was excellent. She answered every question I had and showed concern and empathy. She was professional and knowledgeable.”

“Dr. Helms (ER) is a fantastic doctor. She treated me as if I was the most important patient.  Great attention and care.”

“I’m extremely satisfied in the manner I was looked after by Dr. Kovinoky (ER).”

“Love having the clinic open 7 days a week!”

“Dr. Kim (IHC) was excellent – thorough, practical, reviewed options for preventative care. I am so happy to have found a new care provider who I feel so comfortable with.”

“Dr. Koch (LFM) is a wonderful family doctor – very supportive and aware of integrative healing therapies.”