What the Community Is Saying About Us

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Every day we receive comments about the care that we provide right here in Incline Village. We are humbled that so many local residents and visitors trust us with their care. Please read below to hear what our community is saying about Incline Village Community Hospital.

“My experience of meeting Dr. Kim was extraordinarily wonderful. She’s a kind, knowledgeable, and conscientious doctor who not only listened to my needs and questions, but offered suggestions and advice in a personable way. I highly recommend Dr. Kim to everyone. In addition, the ease of communicating with her after my visit via the private patient portal (MyChart) is phenomenal!”

“I have never been so impressed with the medical care I have received here.  The amount of concern and interest in me is so very much appreciated. I couldn't have asked for better care!”

Have a story that you would like to share with us? Email our Community Outreach Coordinator, Jane Day, at jday@tfhd.com.