It is always best to anticipate your prescription refill needs and request necessary prescriptions during your scheduled office visit or treatment. Please notify the staff of any changes to your pharmacy on file as ALL prescriptions will now be sent electronically. You can contact your provider for your prescription refills through MyChart or by calling our office during regular office hours.
All prescription requests will be handled promptly during our normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Please access your MyChart through the link provided on our website or contact us at (530) 503-0694.
As of July 15, 2020 your provider is now able to electronically prescribe opiates/narcotics such as Norco, Percocet, MS Contin, Oxycontin, or Lorazepam. That means Schedule II Controlled Substance refills no longer need to be written and picked up in the office. You may be asked to sign an opiate/narcotic contract agreement. Federal regulations still require a monthly office visit for opiate/narcotic refills. It is always best to anticipate and request your prescriptions while you are seeing your provider. We thank you in advance for understanding these policies.