Diabetes Self-Management Program
An evidence-based program developed by Stanford University School of Medicine
Participants in this program are better able to manage their symptoms and report improved health and quality of life.
Join us for 6 weekly classes and learn:
- Decision-making strategies
- Becoming a self-manager of your health
- Understanding common symptoms of diabetes
- Mindfulness tools to manage symptoms
- Exercise tips for strength, flexibility and endurance
- Healthy eating at home and on the road
- Managing your medications
We want to help you manage your diabetes! Please take 3-5 minutes to share your preferences and/or barriers to participating in this class by completing this survey.
This program is supported by the Wellness Neighborhood and offered at no cost.
Register now, or for more information on an upcoming session, call the Tahoe Forest Center for Health at (530) 587-3769 or email [email protected]
Manejo Personal de la Diabetes
Un programa basado en la evidencia y desarrollado porla Escuela de Medicina de Stanford
Los participantes de este programa logran manejar sus síntomas con más eficacia y reportan mejoras en su salud y calidad de vida.
Durante estas 6 clases semanales usted aprenderá:
- Toma de decisiones
- Automanejo de su salud
- Entendimiento de sus síntomas
- Usando su mente para manejar sus síntomas
- Consejos para ejercitarse
- Consejos para comer saludable
- Como administrar sus medicamentos
¡Queremos ayudarle a manejar su diabetes! Por favor, tome de 3-5 minutos paracompartir sus preferencias y/o barreras para que participen en esta clase completando esta encuesta: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DSMP-Survey
Este programa es patrocinado por Wellness Neigborhood y es gratuito.
Para más información o para registrarse comuníquese al: (530) 587-3769 o envíe un email a [email protected]
- Anniversary
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- CA Office of the Governor
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- Gene Upshaw Memorial Tahoe Forest Cancer Center
- Health & Wellness
- Health System Foundation - Giving
- Incline Village Community Hospital
- Informational Brochures & Guides
- Nevada County Public Health
- Orthopedics
- Stay Healthy: Facts About COVID-19
- Tahoe Forest Health System
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