Fitness Professionals

nancy brest

Certified Personal Trainer

Rachel Durben

Yoga Instructor

Liz Schenk

Health Coach

Amy Vail

Sports Psychologist

Massage Therapists

Sean Frost

Massage Therapist

Gudrun Hartig

Massage Therapist

Lupe Munoz-Flick

Certified Massage Therapist

Denne Simon

Certified Massage Therapist

Mindfulness Instructors

Jackie Griffin, RN

Community Care Coordinator
Mindfulness Instructor

Justine Nelson

Mindfulness Instructor

Prenatal Educators

Sandy Deason

Prenatal Educator

no photo available

Prenatal Educator

Registered Dietitians

Brooklyn Dreher

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Lisa Fligor, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Tara Dellolacono Thies, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Tahoe Forest Center for Health

Gloria Acevedo-Klenk

Customer Care Navigator

Wendy Buchanan, MS

Director, Occupational Health and Wellness
Director, Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab

Brandy Willoughby


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