Follow Your Heart: Passport to Health

Heart ribbon graphic

February is Heart Health Month!

A healthy heart is a happy heart! Participate in TWO heart health activities and have a chance to win a Therapeutic Massage or Biofeedback Session.

Download or print your Passport to Health to get started:

English Passport to Health (PDF)
Spanish Passport to Health (PDF)

Check off two heart health activities you complete and email a photo of your passport to [email protected] by March 1st, 2021 to be entered into the raffle!

Follow Your Heart: Passport to Health Activities

  • Attend a FREE Authentic Wellness Talk (Zoom ID 991-3131-5222)
    • Thursday, February 11,  5:15 pm – 6:30 pm
    • “Why Can’t I Sleep?” – with Dr. Gregory Tirdel, MD, FCCP, Diplomat American Board of Sleep Medicine – Explore the cycle of insomnia, implications on physical health including heart health, root causes, and treatment.
    • Thursday, February 25, 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm
      “The Power of Your Heart and Breath Rhythm” – with Linda Mackenzie, Biofeedback Therapist – Learn how to utilize your heart rate to increase relaxation, relieve pain and decrease the eff­ects of stress. Your awareness of the heart and breath rhythm in your body will help you reach optimum health.Registration requested, but not required. Call (530) 587-3769 for remote access.
  • Attend a cooking class
    • Cooking Club: Fiber for Heart Health
    • Monday, February 15, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
    • Featuring chilis and tacos made from plants. Come learn, taste, and take home healthy new recipes!
    • $15; please call (530) 587-3769 to register
  • Make a meatless meal, and let us know what you made!
  • Meditate for 5 minutes 3 times a week.
  • Walk at least 15,000 steps in a day.

Have a question? E-mail [email protected] or call (530) 587-3769.

October 28, 2020