PUBLIC NOTICE: Tahoe Forest Hospital District Board of Directors Vacancy Effective January 15, 2020

Front of Tahoe Forest Hospital

A vacancy on the Tahoe Forest Hospital District Board of Directors will occur effective January 15, 2020. Pursuant to the District’s Bylaws and applicable California law, the remaining Directors will consider appointing a District resident to fill the vacant seat at a Board of Directors meeting on January 23, 2020. This appointment would be effective through December 2020. The appointed member would need to run for election in the November 3, 2020 General District Election to maintain the seat.

Martina Rochefort, Clerk of the Board
Tahoe Forest Hospital District
c/o Administration
10121 Pine Avenue
P.O. Box 759
Truckee, CA 96161
[email protected]

January 14, 2020