Updated Visitor Policy as of April 8, 2021

Effective Thursday, April 8, 2021 Tahoe Forest Hospital District will further loosen visitor restrictions. This is subject to change based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation and directions from the Federal, State, and Local governments.
Tahoe Forest Hospital District continues to monitor the latest COVID-19 developments and update our procedures and policies as necessary.
Universal Mask Policy
Tahoe Forest Hospital District has a mandatory universal mask policy for all staff, providers, patients (over age 2) and visitors in all of its facilities. Please wear your mask when coming to the hospital, physician offices, or clinics. If you are not wearing a mask upon entry to the hospital, one will be provided for you.
Visitor Requirements
General Visitor Requirements:
- Visitors must be age 18 or older
- All visitors entering the hospital must enter through the front door of the hospitals/clinic with the exception of the Emergency Department patients and their significant other.
- Visitors must undergo COVID-19 screening and temperature check upon entry prior to entering a patient care area. If visitors do not pass the screening/temp check, they will not be allowed to proceed with the visit.
- Visitors are required to wear a face covering upon entry and at all times within the facility, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate while in the patient’s room as instructed by the healthcare staff.
- Visitors are required to follow physical distancing of 6 feet or more while on premises.
- Visitors must stay in the patient’s room for the duration of the visit. The exception will be to get “to go” food from the Pine Street Café. No visitors are allowed to eat in the Pine Street Café.
- As long as Nevada County remains in Red, Orange, or Yellow Tier (as per CDPH’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy website, any county not in the Purple Tier).
- Hospitalized patients in the Med-Surg or ICU patients may have up to 2 visitors from the same household at the same time as long as 6 feet social distancing can be maintained and visitors comply with hospital visitor guidelines.
- Visiting hours for hospitalized patients are every day, 10 AM to 8 PM. Specific patient groups, conditions, or locations outlined further below:
Pediatric Patients:
- Pediatric patients be allowed up to 2 support persons at a time.
- In the case of prolonged hospitalization, 2 designated support persons will be permitted.
Labor and Delivery Patients:
- Up to 2 support persons be allowed to be present with the patient.
- In addition to the support person(s), a doula, if desired by the patient, will be permitted to be present with prior arrangements made with the hospital. The doula must comply with hospital PPE and infection control guidelines and will be instructed by the unit staff.
Surgery Patients:
- If 6 feet distancing can be accomplished, one visitors will be permitted until the patient is taken into prep, and up to two visitors when the patient is in postop area and preparing for discharge.
Cancer Center:
- If 6 feet distancing can be accomplished, up to 2 visitors will be permitted
Tahoe Forest Women’s Center:
- If 6 feet distancing can be accomplished, up to 2 visitors will be permitted
Diagnostic Imaging:
- Does not have visitation except a support person for >14 week OB ultrasounds
Pediatric Clinic:
- If 6 feet distancing can be accomplished, up to 2 adult visitors will be permitted
- Exception: 2 support persons will be always be allowed regardless at the first and second new baby visits.
All Other MultiSpecialty Clinics:
- If 6 feet distancing can be accomplished, up to 1 visitor will be permitted
Patients at End-of-Life:
- Up to 2 visitors be allowed to be present with the patient; a single visitor does not need to be designated.
Patients with Physical, Intellectual, and/or Developmental Disabilities and Patients Cognitive Impairments:
- Up to 2 support persons be allowed to be present with the patient.
- For patients, especially with prolonged hospitalization, the patient or family/patient representative may designate 2 support persons.
Students Obtaining Clinical Experience:
- Students obtaining their clinical experience be permitted to enter the facility if they meet the CDC guidelines for healthcare workers to maintain the workforce needed during this pandemic.
Note: Visitors who are unable to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention (hand hygiene, appropriate mask wearing, and distancing) will not be permitted to visit and will be asked to leave.
The best thing we can do as a community is to stay informed and take precautions to guard against COVID-19 and other viruses: wear masks, frequently perform hand hygiene, follow physical distancing (6 feet or more) and stay home when sick. Wearing a face covering – ideally a mask – is recommended when you come in close contact (6 feet or less) with someone from outside your household, especially for a prolonged period (10-15 min or more) and especially indoors.
References: CDPH Visitors Limitations Guidance AFL 20-38.6, March 16th, 2021
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