Letter from IVCH Foundation Leadership

Warren Kocmond with dog

Greetings Incline Village Community,

Thank you for taking the time to stay informed of what is happening at Incline Village Community Hospital. I am pleased to be penning this letter, not just as the IVCH Foundation Board President but also as a substitute for our wonderful Executive Director, Karli Epstein, who is safe and sound at home taking time to be with her newborn son. Karli will be returning to work after the new year, just in time to start us off in 2021. 

2020 has been quite an anomaly, with great challenges for healthcare agencies and providers. However, it is important to point out that the Incline Village community has shown incredible support for our local hospital in the past year. This support, although very consistent and going back decades, is not something we take for granted because it allows us to put dollars to work to keep our facility up to date with medical advancements. Our Foundation utilizes 100% of the donations we receive to enhance the patient care experience at IVCH. We know that the hospital is a vital asset to the community, and we thank those of you who assist us in keeping it a permanent, yet evolving resource.

As a reminder, despite the fact that a global pandemic is ongoing, our community hospital is very safe and fully open for all patients. The care team at IVCH is providing healthcare services to our local community and will continue to do so, come what may. Although we wish we could predict when the virus will conclude, as a matter of course, the health system is striving to focus on all other routine or emergency health services as well.

Please read on to find out more about the Foundation’s current “Area of Greatest Need” plans. Per usual we want to make IVCH ever better, so we are endeavoring to raise funds to upgrade the surgical and sterile processing departments at IVCH. Feelings of gratitude for support for the Foundation and the improvements we strive to provide are as strong as ever. We wish you in return great health and steadfast happiness in the year to come.

Best Wishes for a Very Healthy 2021,

Warren Kocmond, President
IVCH Foundation Board of Directors