What the Community is Saying About Us

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We are proud to share the positive recognition we receive for the way we care for our Emergency Room, Lakeside Family Medicine, and Incline Health Center patients.

“The people working in the IVCH Emergency Room were outstanding. The Patient Registration Clerk that admitted me was so helpful and accurate and also followed up the next day – thanks for everything.”

“This hospital is the best!! The staff are friendly and helpful, and of course very knowledgeable.”

“As a registered nurse myself, I was very impressed with the nursing care.”

“Joe Woodman deserves the distinguished service medal.”

“Everyone was helpful, fast, expert and friendly. I never want to be at the ER, but it was the best experience possible.”

“We are lucky to have this facility and professionals in Incline! IVCH is a true community asset.”

“We were on vacation so I may not have the opportunity to recommend but I’ve told several people where I was treated and how well I was treated.”

“Excellent experience with Dr. Clyde. We will be making Dr. Clyde my son's primary physician due to the care and concern he exhibited, and his style of communication with my teenager.”

“Dr. Kim is terrific. She listens, asks questions and provides solutions. She has always taken time to discuss any problems I may have.”

“Sasha Musso is always attentive, thorough, and informative. She listens and responds to my questions and concerns. I never feel rushed.”